Dressing Up Box

Often for a photo shoot I will turn my living room at home into a temporary photo studio with a roll of backdrop paper gaffer taped to the wall. I love getting the chance to explore and play with customising/or making clothing especially out of things/materials not designed to be worn. For the Prin La La plastics outfit (2013) I spent many months drilling small holes into my plastic crap collection & then stringing sections together with fishing wire - the intention being to make an outfit that could be assembled then disassembled on the body for a music video. I intend to redress this idea - but next time not as a music video just as something wearable. I have been amassing a whole heap more of brightly coloured plastic crap…some street finds, some donations, some family heirlooms!…old cracker tat & birthday cake decorations, scrabble letters, toothbrushes, spent party poppers, computer keys, flotsam & jetsam etc etc…divided into their single colours, for when I’m ready to start having a go at making them into a series of body adornments.


Black & White