Smoke Fairies Taken on my Lubitol medium format. 'The Three of Us' Vinyl EP cover Dungeness February 2012

Christmas press shot for 'I Am 50 Fathoms' EP Dorset 2001 This was a fun experiment I had to clamber over the band & count out loud each frame I took to make sure I didn't accidentally take more or less than 6 photos for each strip to make up one single image from the contact sheet of the film. Christmas was one of the many bands of two friends of mine - Rob Eliis & Tim Farthing.

The Beautiful Machine Documentary photo shoot for 'In A Town' technical rehearsals Bristol Old Vic August 2013 The theatre was made completely dark so that the audience could 'read' the words being spelt out on stage with light writing during one segment. I was commissioned to work with the group on originating visual ideas such as this to compliment the songs live. Jenny Bell the group director described the piece as "a cross between a choral concert a music video & a live art movement piece."

Bibel Magazine. Bristol 2001 This was my first fashion shoot - In this photo I asked the model to hold her pose for say 5 seconds then walk out of frame while I continued the exposure as I wanted the body to become see through.

PJHarvey for the 'White Chalk' album Bristol 2007 I was experimenting with torchlight down the lens with the camera on a tripod to see how colours on different long exposures would go. Polly is holding still stood on piano keys.

Young Romance shoot for 'Wild' EP The Cube Bristol September 2012 This is Claire & Paolo viewed from the projection room at The Cube cinema through the eye piece of an old analogue video camera pointed at the stage. They had sent me image references & said that they wanted to be in the picture but not the main feature. Nearly all their image references were under or over exposed with light flare & lots of texture & grain with the subjects often barely visible.

Dot Allison photo shoot for 'Heart Shaped Scars' Edinburgh 2012 Wrapped in white fairy lights in a blue room on my panoramic camera.

PJHarvey 'Angelene' Video London 1999 & 'Is This Desire?' Demos 2021 To make these medium format polaroids look stained & flecked I sprinkled them with bleach as well as peeled the polaroid back off before developed. I wanted them to look like the processing chemicals of a passport booth were old & not working properly.

Liverpool to Bristol Motorway September 2012 Dash board/ slight long exposure reds yellow

Liverpool To Bristol Motorway September 2012 Greys white

Liverpool to Bristol Motorway September 2012 Blue grey

Liverpool to Bristol Motorway September 2012 Blue

Too dark/underexposed Jake Christmas Leeds 1993 It became a badge of honor for me to be 'awarded' one of Jessops fault advice stickers when I took my films in to be processed in the 1990s.

Blurred/out of focus/hold camera steady Michelle Sennen Cove January 1994

Yellow/Green cast Bark Pyschosis Moscow underground 1994

Film fogged/leaking light France 1994

PJHarvey 'White Chalk' Recording studio doc Mini dv tape off my tv Crunchy gritty zoom London 2006/07