FoundLand Maria Mochnacz

Words by John O Connor written for Inaugural exhibition of the Museum Of Totterdown, Zone A Wells Road/Firfield Street, Totterdown. Bristol. November 2023

“If alien life were ever to arrive onto a desolate, post apocalyptic earth and they wished to survey the residue of a long-gone humanity, to gain a sense of our fundamental nature and being, where would they begin to look for clues?

Maybe, if museums and libraries were to have survived, then there would be the obvious place to start? But then again, maybe not, maybe, these latter-day archeologists would look elsewhere?

Down there on the street, in amongst the everyday flotsam and jetsam, the scrunched and crunched, eroded and corroded, down there, maybe, lies the true ghosty vapour trail of our existence?

If this is where they begin their search for ‘evidence’, then artist, Maria Mochnacz will be of immense assistance to these extra-terrestrials.

For decades, Mochnacz has collected, categorised and archived the discarded, thrown-away mementoes and souvenirs of her “FoundLand.”

She has concentrated her archives into ‘target’ sub-groupings and has methodically, almost forensically, recorded their domain, class, family, genus etc.

It is in this relentless cataloguing of the discarded that revelations begin to emerge, that the human hand is exposed and expressed. Mochnacz’s collections are truly epic in scale and ambition and, through them, she tells of the untold and encourages us to see the unseen and hear the unheard.'‘

In November 2023 I exhibited a small selection of my vast collection of Found Objects that I have been gathering for many years - the photos here are iPhone/natural light photos taken in situ of the selected objects in the draws that they were exhibited in - FoundLand in total consists of about 3000 objects and counting, divided into 60 categories (some also with sub categories.) For this exhibition the number and choices were based on the draw and space dimensions. I have plans of how a larger future exhibition including some of my bigger items might look & intend to explore curatorial help/funding to make this happen. This collection is ongoing - it consists of objects I find as I’m out and about - objects that people have lost, left or discarded - once home anything I have found is labeled with a sharpie pen on masking tape - the date, place and where I was on my way to or from and with whom - then bagged up in a see-through freezer/‘Evidence’ bag. 

Correct as of October 2023…ongoing so always being added to.

List of 60 Categories & numbers per category.

(I need to add sub cats & where items cross over into more than one category)

  1. SCRATCHED CARDS/ 392 items

  2. DRUG BAGS/ 121 items

  3. RUDE TICKETS/ 220 items

  4. PLAYING CARDS/ 134 items

  5. BOOKIE PENS/ 336 items


  7. DEADCANS/ 151 items

  8. HANDWRITTEN/ 98 items

  9. PRINTED/ 88 items

  10. LAMINATED/ 19 items

  11. PLASTIC WRAPPERS/ 17 items

  12. FOIL WRAPPERS/ 20 items

  13. PAPER WRAPPERS/ 2 items

  14. STILL IN PACKAGING/ 13 items



  17. TICKETS & LABELS/ 17 items

  18. POSTERS/ 22 items

  19. NEWSPAPERS/ 12 items

  20. MAGAZINES/ 6 items

  21. BOOKS & NOTEPADS/ 15 items

  22. STRIPS & SCRAPS/ 42 items

  23. MANKY HEARTS/ 24 items


  25. COMBS & BRUSHES/ 12 items

  26. (CHILDREN’S) HAIR STUFF/ 42 items

  27. MAKEUP/ 47 items

  28. JEWELLERY/62 items & WATCHES/ 9 items

  29. PENCIL CASE STUFF/ 31 items

  30. SWEETS & EDIBLES/ 29 items

  31. SEASONALS & CELEBRATIONS/ 116 items & BALLOONS/ 55 items

  32. ROUND ROUNDS/ 35 items

  33. FLAT ROUNDS/ 182 items

  34. BURST ROUNDS/ 15 items

  35. PORTRAIT PACKAGING/ 78 items

  36. SHOES/ 25 items

  37. SOCKS/ 11 items

  38. HATS/ 19 items

  39. GLOVES/ 97 items

  40. SCARF/ 1 item

  41. BAGS & PURSES/ 13 items


  43. LEG ATTIRE/ 3 items

  44. TIES/ 3 items

  45. BELT/ 1 items

  46. PANTS/ 2 items

  47. SUN/GLASSES/ 22 items

  48. FOOTBALL CARDS/ 5 items

  49. LONG THINS/ 10 items

  50. CAR AIR FRESHENERS/ 19 items

  51. BUTTERFLIES/4 items & FAKE NATURE/ 15 items

  52. REAL NATURE/ 5 items

  53. TOYS/43 items & STICKERS/ 10 items

  54. KEYS/12 items CUTLERY/16 items & METALS/ 5 items

  55. (SMASHED) RECEPTACLES/ 7 items

  56. DISNEY ADDICTION/ 6 items

  57. TECHNOLOGY & TAPES/ 25 items & WIGGLY CABLES/12 items

  58. MISCELLANEOUS/ 23 items

  59. NUMBER PLATES/ 2 items

  60. WING MIRRORS/ 226 items

Running total/ 3259 found objects.

Written for Left Cultures publication 2021 & displayed at The Museum of Totterdown during FoundLand exhibition November 17th - 26th 2023 by way of explaining why I collect things.

I have Cinderella (a Ladybird edition) from when I was little, inside the book is an inscription from my mum in blue biro, it says “this book was bought by daddy for Angela and Maria on Monday 21st July 1969 on our day trip to Poole, Dorset. This was also the day the first men landed on the Moon.”

What I remember about that day trip was walking along the kerb holding my mum’s hand, playing the game where you try to walk only on the kerb as if it is a high tightrope, concentrating so hard I didn’t notice I had started to walk through fresh concrete, leaving a trail of my footprints - (my mum teased me that the police would be able to track me down and find me from my footprints and tell me off.)

So Cinderella leaves behind her shoe, men were leaving their footprints on the Moon for the first time and I was leaving my 5 year old footprints in concrete. King Lear is based on the fairy story of Cinderella - my cousin an author told me this - for instance in King Lear there are the three sisters Goneril and Regan and Cordelia; and in more gruesome tellings of Cinderella the ugly sisters have their eyes pecked out. 

One of the main scenes in King Lear is where the king is holding his daughter Cordelia in his arms and asks for a mirror to hold to her mouth to see if she is still breathing. I held a mirror to my mother’s mouth to see if she was still breathing - when I found her March 5th 1983 - I was 18 and we had been reading King Lear in my English Literature class..

Sorting through her things afterwards I found Daily Mirror newspapers she had kept from when Kennedy was assassinated and when the men landed on the Moon. So I began collecting, holding onto Daily Mirror newspapers also, but failed to collect just significant days - I accumulated piles and piles of newspapers. I also created a collection of found objects things people have lost, left or discarded on the street, for example I now (2021) have nearly 200 broken crushed or cracked car wing mirrors - the first one I picked up in 1983 the year of my mum’s suicide.

I’ve heard it’s a common response to the impact of loss - my compulsion to collect -  I always thought it was OK though as I was an artist so it’s all future materials -  the rejects, the left behind - stuff anyone can get hold of - did have hold of. I now have 49 categories of hundreds and hundreds of founds - each object noted with the date and where found in marker pen on masking tape - then bagged up in a see-through Asda freezer (evidence) bag. 

I’ve become fascinated by the patterns and repetitions and seasons of found objects - the beautiful fragile crumpled left behind fragments of the stories of people’s everyday lives. 


Paper Madness


Ceiling Rose scar