This is a Work-In-Progress & connected to FoundLand & the piece I wrote for "Left Cultures”.
I imagine this piece will be photography or short film based?…exploring visual & emotional threads…that connect Cinderella/King Lear/the Moon/My mum.
Moon phase calendar/like pills dissolving (on tongue).
Pill bottle top lid/round white with writing (rubbing of)
Concrete mixer.
Light reflection off oval/round mirror in living room (like picture of mum and Ingrid at Holly Cottage)
Mums two Daily Mirror covers/my piles and piles.
Found objects and posters…things people have lost left or discarded.
Similarity of labelling of found object and “labelling” of Cinderella inscription.
Wing mirrors over 200 now…first one I picked up in 1983-86.
Maria name necklace and meaning of.
Telescope light on eye?
Autopsy scar line/what would the reality be of a body going through autopsy in the 1980s.
Motorway at night giant moon low on horizon and city lights.
Lipstick print/on a coffee cup/in microwave turn.
Soles of my shoes while knelt by her body/going through her things.
No PArkINg 24hrs…PAIN 24hrs.
Tape to tape machine.
Shoe box.
I drew shoes and shoes and shoes can I find any of these drawings?
Handwriting loops and curls and slants love dated.
Where her name also isn’t — Crewkerne.
Things objects I still have of hers/and characteristics & family heirloom draw - jewellery box.
Her notebook lists - all the things making her unhappy - when will it end? - dated 11th December 1982.
Birth certificate.
Autopsy and inquest report.
No suicide note therefore no suicide?/Maria B’s research.
Mine and Annies diarys.
Childhood and teenage drawings of mum (ill in bed) and Mochnacz Monthly Gazette does Jim have any?
Did Jim send me a C email - pix?
Cinderella and King Lear similarities.
Lear words.
Palm print lines.
Map lines of locations of founds.
Blue print - other (earlier) versions like X-ray of a painting - like twins - like mum and us.
Different/older versions/voices of Cinderella.
Cinderella leaves her shoe/Man leaves footprints on moon/I leave my footprints in concrete.
Cinderella book inscription. Cinderella inscription words a story within a story.
Breath on a patch of glass make the city disappear - your last breath you disappear the world remains / Banksy ; they say you die twice - breathing - last time your name spoken/breath on lens in The Revenant.
Swap palm readings with forensic analysis of broken wing mirrors.
Handwriting analysis of mums and others.
Conversations with Annie/Gary/Jim…Ingrid/Sue/John/Anna about mum.
My idea back to me/writing exercise, tell your idea to 4 - 5 people then have them tell it back to you - see the different ways people see the same thing - Sue; C about lost shoe returned & I hang onto lost/discarded things. Kieran/Spanish fella etc…get further and further from the source…Moon is the thing that instigated my moving phobia I realised when telling Cathy…Michelle; it seems emotional and visual…Glen; it is a cumulative not linear narrative - if i did a DVD program to play scenes in different order every time - just shoot separate scenes/things don’t leave you…Rick; artist and teenage girl same woman later in life trying to find answers to her mother’s suicide…Chinese whispers 2nd/3rd hand like objects.
Fossil stone ripples - stone pond moon - memory trigger/don’t see the stone but see the ripples/emotional logic.
Bath portrait water smashes?
Blue ink white paper
Sound of pen on paper.
White plane trail blue sky.
Shoe (trainer) soles on black telegraph wires/white moon.
Blue sky white moon/tree branches.
Bag strap grooves in shoulder flesh.
Bird/plane in sky.
Lying down looking up at ceiling rose scar and moon like bulb.
Mirror to her mouth/that day (March 4th 1983) and previous times.
King Lear mirror scene - we had been reading KL in my classes.
Lipstick/from above circular red.
Breath/sound of/stop.
Moon footprint footage/ image repeat/ “At 2.56 GMT July 21st 1969 Neil Armstrong jumped lightly from the ladder attached to the side of the spider like Eagle lunar module and put a human footprint on the moon for the very first time.”
That pile of C stuff on plan chest to explore.
What can be told purely visually and which need words to be seen or heard?
Memory of holding mums hand/walking as if high tightrope?
Memory of mum saying police would track me down from my footprints to tell me off/Chris said police would have turned up at my mums death too/prince could find C through her shoe.
That map outside the court house/by car park in Yeovil the one where you could press buttons and little dots/tiny round bulbs would light up…
Accumulated/collections of things found on the street - the list of things? - and the list of words that mean discarded -
Visual and emotional threads connections/shifts in time.
Repetitions, ripple, connections.
Mochnacz marked down the side of newspaper for delivery.
Piles of newspapers and magazines that I had up until beginning of 2010 when I had to get rid of them to make room for a lodger - tall teetering piles/why did I collect all the newspapers and magazines? Because they were source for my artwork? Because things don’t leave you/mad. I started collecting hanging onto newspapers the year of my mums death 1983 when I was a student on Art foundation.
Cracked wing mirrors/shot from above…like aerial aspects of…London/maps like old 1930’s views.
Like a detective on a trail find significance and meaning in lost/found…treat like precious finds…
The impact of loss.
Poetic document?
Subjective associative memory.
Sherman’s March - the making of it becomes the story! — it shoots off somewhere else.
EXPLORING/HOW TO USE DIARY WORDS - lists of foods we ate/ tv we watched/films at cinema/things lessons at school where there are big repeats and things that stand out like day Jim and Jan went to Zambia - day didn’t write about Dad.
How to use? Who to talk to? Hopey/Keiran.
We had spam corn and potatoes and ice cream and cola.
We had Irish stew and dumplings and chocolate blamange
We had fish fingers peas and potatoes
We had jam tarts and chocolate fingers
We had jelly tots chocolate Pepsi and sandwiches
We had fish and chip
We had some candy floss
We had some strawberrys
We had Cresta and some icecream
We had rhubarb and custard of rice
We had a curly wurly bar and a lemonade sparkle
We had soup bread and butter and milk shake
We had prunes.
Weather - it was lovely and sunny
Today it was ever so hot so in the afternoon we put on our swim suits
It started to rain it rained all day
It was raining and it was windy
It was raining very badly
Also like handwriting styles
We played cow-boys
We rode our bikes
The essence of stuff
ways to divide - structure -
We went to see Dumbo
We went to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
We went to the cinema to see Bednobs and broomsticks
ice cream names too -
I had a lemonade sparkle
Annie had a cola Joe
We had jolly jelly ice cream
We had soup bread and butter and milkshake
We watched Lizzy Dripping
We watched Pink Panther
We watched the Trooping of the colour
We watched Top of the pops
Sometimes I see the days written about in photos I have
We played skipping and Murder in the Dark
We played Jacks
That’s it look again and again and make list of cats
Like stuff about new shoes